
Shipping in India

  • We deliver in almost every part of India (subject to confirmation from courier vendor).
  • Shipping is free throughout India.

    Shipping Internationally

    • We ship across the globe with DHL (5 to 7 business days) and ARAMAX ( 10 to 14 business days). Real-time shipping is calculated at the checkout based on your product selection and country.
    • All local taxes and custom duties are charged extra by the Shipping carrier based on your respective country. Most countries allow import up to a certain amount without any duty. This amount is called De Minimis values. Please check following link to know the De Minimis values of your respective country. Country-wise De Minimis Values
    • Disclaimer : These values are subject to change by the respective tax authorities of your country. Shree Om Fabrics is not in a position to take any responsibility for the inaccuracies or decision made by the information listed in the De Minimis Values.

    Estimated Delivery Time

    • It takes approx. 5 - 10 business days to deliver your product at your doorstep. Sometimes delivery may take longer due to Bad weather, Flight delays, Political disruptions and other unforeseen circumstances.